How To Get Cantlin Garden Blueprint
Dragon Quest Builders
(PS3, PS4 & Vita)
There are not many trophies in this game, and the majority of them involve doing something in the game that you would or would likely gonna do anyway. Throughout the game, the mechanics will all be explained, it's quite good with the tutorials.
The difficulty of the game is not especially hard, you begin weak on each Chapter as nothing transfers between Chapters but the enemies begin weak as well. As you progress in each Chapter, you will gain better equipment, become stronger so each Chapter does slowly get easier, but it's easy enough anyway.
The only real problem comes from a Time limit Challenge that each Chapter has. This Challenge requires you to complete a Chapter within a certain amount of days and if you fail, it means replaying the whole Chapter again which could take hours. If you choose to do this without a Guide, then you are likely looking at replaying the first 2 Chapters to complete the Time Limit Challenge. The last 2 Chapters give you more time and you should be more experienced with the game and the mechanics by then, so you should probably aim to replay the first 2 Chapters to acquire the Time Limit Challenge, but attempt to complete the Time Limit Challenge for the last 2 Chapters first time you play them. Aiming for the Time Limit Challenge in the first 2 Chapters to begin with no guide, will severely impact the enjoyment the game offers.
You will be grinding/farming for materials a lot in this game in order to create various items, not excessively though so the enjoyment isn't lost. If you are serious about building in this game, I strongly advise flying through the game because during the Chapters, you are restricted to that particular Chapters items/materials. Completing a Chapter will unlock it's recipes and islands in the free mode, so eventually you can use everything in free mode with no restrictions and this is where you want to take time building.
All in all, this is a fun game and to be honest, the road to Platinum isn't great but that road will allow you to unlock extra items for free mode. You don't have to be insanely fast on the Time Limit Challenges once you know the game, you can still take your time so just play the game at your own pace while bearing the trophies in mind.
Just before we begin, if you would like to follow a step by step Platinum Guide and want to acquire the Platinum as fast as possible, then please use this Guide HERE.
Base Leveling Tip (Keep this in mind throughout the game)
The base is very important, and leveling this is required for Challenges. The most important instruction I can give is when your base advances a level, stop for a moment whatever you are doing if possible. Now remove all your doors and once all are removed, place them all back. This may sound daft, but the game has a strange base leveling system, and this will cause you to acquire a lot of free points. When your base advances a level, it can never decrease a level which makes this possible. You must apply this always in all Chapters whenever you advance a level, honestly, this is really important, will save a lot of time.
These save to your profile as soon as you complete them, you don't have to complete any again, even if you are replaying a Chapter to acquire another. Saves are also exclusive to each Chapter, so at the end of each Chapter, always save your game, then you can reload that end of Chapter save later if you need to complete any other Challenges.
Missables All that is missable is 1 of 5 Challenges on each Chapter which is the Time Limit Challenge. Initially you are advised not to worry about this as it ruins the game slightly, however when you do attempt this with other Challenges still open, it's best to complete the Chapter to acquire the Time Limit Challenge first. Then afterwards, you can reload the end of Chapter's save and grab any remaining Challenges with no time restraint.
STEP 1 - Chapter 1 & 2 + All Challenges except the Time Limit
Start the 1st Chapter and just play through taking your time, reading the tutorials and learning the game. Read the requirements for the trophy Conqueror of Cantlin and complete all the Challenges during the Chapter except for the Time Limit Challenge. At the end of the Chapter after the Boss, just before you head into the beacon, save your game, and craft one of each food you haven't eaten yet. Eat all the food you just crafted if any and then complete the Chapter. This will earn you the trophy Custodian of Cantlin
Next, begin Chapter 2, take your time with this like the first Chapter as more mechanics will be introduced here. Read the Challenges for this Chapter under the trophy Ruler of Rimuldar , but ignore the Time Limit Challenge. Make a save at the end of the Chapter after the Boss like before, craft any food you haven't ate in the game yet, eat them then complete the Chapter which will earn you the trophy Redeemer of Rimuldar
Throughout this step, you will also acquire the trophies:
Escape Artist
Beginner Builder
STEP 2 - Chapter 3 & 4 + All Challenges
Begin Chapter 3, at this point you should be well aware of how to play the game and the mechanics. Once you reach the 2nd island, I strongly advise looting the tree stumps for CEDAR SEEDLINGS, and plant this in your base for a renewable source of WOOD.
For this Chapter 3, read the Challenge requirements under the trophy King of Kol, Grandee of Galenholm and try to acquire every Challenge now, including the Time Limit Challenge. It should be pretty easy now to complete every Challenge first time. After the Boss, save the game, then craft and eat any new food you haven't eaten yet, this will earn you the trophy Epic Epicurean
if you have not already. You can complete the Chapter first to acquire the Time Limit Challenge, then reload the end-chapter save and complete the other Challenges if you don't have chance to complete them all at once.
Upon completion of this Chapter and the Challenges, you will acquire the trophies:
Keeper of Kol, Guardian of Galenholm
King of Kol, Grandee of Galenholm
Next, begin the Final Chapter, and attempt to acquire the Time Limit Challenge for this first time also, read the description of the trophy Titan of Tantegel for the details. You don't have to complete every Challenge at once, first complete the Chapter for the Time Limit Challenge, then reload the save and complete the rest. Take note though, you can't save after the last Boss on this Chapter, so make sure you save before.
Completing this Chapter and it's Challenges will earn you the trophies:
Torchbearer of Tantegel
Titan of Tantegel
STEP 3 - Chapter 1 & 2 Time Limit Challenge
Now replay the first 2 Chapters and try to complete the Time Limit Challenge for each. After completing this, you will acquire the trophies:
Conqueror of Cantlin
Ruler of Rimuldar
STEP 4 - Cleanup
Reload your end Chapter save on Chapter 1 and acquire the trophy Enemy Miner . Afterwards and while you are still on Chapter 1 begin the Chamber Potty
trophy as well, read their descriptions for details.
Misc trophies - The following trophies are cumulative and you should have acquired at some point during your playthroughs (but if not acquired by now, refer to their individual descriptions):
Master Planner
Handy Crafter
Monster Masher
Super Smasher
Superior Decorator
Avid Accessoriser
After the brief Endgame cleanup, you will acquire the final trophy Perfectionist .
[PST Would Like to Thank optimusmart for this Roadmap]
Awarded for earning all of the other trophies.
Awarded for escaping from your tomb and heading out on your adventure.
Story related and cannot be missed.
You will acquire this once you escape the Tutorial area at the start of the game.
Awarded for building your first room.
Story related and cannot be missed.
Shortly after leaving the Tutorial area, you will reach your base where you will be given a few Quests by a NPC that you must complete. The trophy will pop during one of these quests.
Awarded for completing the Cantlin chapter.
Story related and cannot be missed.
You will acquire this for completing the First Chapter.
Awarded for completing the Rimuldar chapter.
Story related and cannot be missed.
You will acquire this for completing the Second Chapter.
Awarded for completing the Kol & Galenholm chapter.
Story related and cannot be missed.
You will acquire this for completing the Third Chapter.
Awarded for completing the Tantegel chapter.
Story related and cannot be missed.
You will acquire this for completing the Final Chapter.
Awarded for completing every challenge in the Cantlin chapter.
There are 5 Challenges within the Chapter, only 1 is missable. Except for the missable, other Challenges can be completed at anytime or even after completing a Chapter by reloading an earlier save. Challenges will be permanently saved to your profile once completed, however, you must complete a Chapter in order for a Challenge to register as completed. It's advisable to collect all these at the end game or load a save to acquire them, apart for the Time Limit Challenge of course.
There is plenty of time to do this Chapter once you know it, however, I wouldn't advise trying first time without a guide as it will be tricky and frustrating. There are a few tips to apply to make this easier.
When looting plants for their materials, do not break every single one just in case you may need some more later, possibly acquired by a SHOVEL. And wherever you go, if you ever spot a new item, always try to grab/farm a few just in case you need it for something later.
The COLOSSAL COFFER is always the priority initially, you always want to craft this at the earliest possible opportunity. Another small tip about the COLOSSAL COFFER, when you do acquire it, you will likely have a lot of items already in chests. Rather than take the contents out and transfer them to your COFFER individually, just destroy the chest so all the items drop, then pick them up and they will go straight into your COFFER. Then just place the chest back.
Don't unnecessarily waste any items/materials, if you must use anything while not Quest related, always try to leave a few of that material or even more if you had a large number initially just to be safe.
When exploring buildings, you may find a lot of useful furniture, if you have the COLOSSAL COFFER collect as much furniture as possible as these can easily be used to increase your points in your base. Especially SCONCES as these are all over castles, they take up only 1 block of space and give 100pts.
Food/Hunger meter
A lot of the items you collect are often used later so it's difficult to know exactly what to use for food. I'd advise to always create a CRUDE KITCHEN as early as possible. This is because your Town residents will use it to craft food for you so you won't even have to craft much food because your residents will do it for you.
When you do have to craft food to fill your hunger meter, craft something that uses a material that is easy to come by, a material that you have a high number of. And only craft what you need at the time, don't craft a whole bunch of food just in case you need the materials for something else, and you may be acquiring some food soon anyway.
Your weapons won't degrade fast, but your axes/hammers will, so always have a few of your current type on you just in case.
Always save regularly, if you make a big mistake, you can then reload your previous save and try again. Make sure you save before you head to the beacon at the end of a Chapter, that way if you need to come back, you can do so right at the end of the Chapter with all that same gear.
Whenever you are away from base, the quickest way back is to warp using CHIMAERA WINGS so don't use these sparingly.
If you have a NPC with you, make sure they are with you and not stuck behind a rock or unable to reach you (you can jump gaps but they won't) before warping. If they are not with you, they will stay behind and you will have to make your way back to collect them.
Time Penalties
If you die or warp using the option in the menu, the game will advance a day, so try not to die. This may sound like a problem, but you can always spare a few deaths, just if you die to many times, a save reload may be the best option.
Sleeping also advances the day obviously, so never sleep unless you have to.
Pretty straight forward, you will likely acquire this without even planning to.
Always loot furniture on your travels once you have the Colossal Coffer, this furniture is free and can all be placed in your rooms for additional points. Sconces that you will find on walls in castle areas are very useful, they take up little space, give 100pts and sometimes you can acquire 50 of these from one castle.
Not all enemies can destroy your base, but during battles, just plan to keep all enemies away to be safe.
The most important instruction I can give is when your base advances a level, stop for a moment whatever your doing if possible. Now remove all your doors and once all are removed, place them all back. This may sound daft, but the game has a strange base leveling system, and this will cause you to acquire a lot of free points, you will see for yourself. You must apply this always in all Chapters whenever you advance a level, honestly, this is really important, will save a lot of time.
Everything must be placed in your base, otherwise you won't receive points for it.
Take the Evil Idols with you to defeat these, you can then just place these beside, then move away from the Dragon's attacks and wait for the Evil Idol to kill them.
Head through the red teleportal and head northwest and you will eventually find a large Dragon asleep in the centre of a large flat area, look at your overhead view from time to time to make sure you haven't gone past it. Once at the Dragon, place the EVIL IDOL next to it and facing it, not too close though but close enough so the flames reach, the Dragon doesn't actually move, just rotates. Now you can either attack it yourself, or move to a safe distance and let the Evil Idol kill it. Either way, once it's dead, grab the Evil Idol, loot the DRAGON SCALE from its body, equip it, then warp back to base.
Now enter the blue teleportal and keep heading southwest, past where you fought the large Scorpion, up the mountains and all the way to the far southwest coast. Once you reach the coast cliff edge, follow the coast west and then north as it begins to head that way. You will pass behind the Castle and shortly after following the cliff edge north, you should come to a Large Dragon so keep an eye out for it. Kill this Dragon the same as before, then loot it for a Fireplace, grab your Evil idol back and warp back to base.
Back at base, head southwest until you reach the last of the three Dragons. Once at the Dragon, kill it, then loot it for a Comfy Sofa, then grab the Evil Idol if you used it, this Challenge is now completed.
From base, grab a Shovel, then dig up 10 Flowers and 5 Plants.
- An example of a Flower would be a Milkblossom (the flower that you acquire White Petals from)
- An example of a Plant would be a Stalwort (the Plant that you acquire Grassy Leaves from)
At base, craft a BENCH and then head to the northeast corner of the base, from here, head out of the base northeast very slightly down the hill just ahead and to the small patch of water that you will see amongst the trees.
Now look at the nearby trees, you will see that there are 3 sizes, a small, medium and large. Place a 2 block high wall from ground level around the medium tree closest to the water (just destroy any other sized trees if they are in the way), so that the wall has at least 8 blocks of water inside and about 25 free blocks of land inside. This is just an approximate, it can be slightly larger if you wish. Creating this wall will use up perhaps a full stack of earth, so make sure you have some handy which you should, dig some up if not and bring it back here.
The 8+ blocks of water are obviously 1 block below ground level, make sure the water has a wall all the way around, not just the 2 block high wall, make sure the bottom part of the wall is filled in as well. Essentially, the top of the wall is level all the way around, but because you have water, you must make sure the ground level blocks are all filled in as well around the wall otherwise the room won't register.
Once the wall is created, you should have a medium size tree inside, at least 8 blocks of water and at least 25 free blocks of flooring to play with at ground level (the water is 1 block below ground level). Now place Flowers x10 and Plants x5 on the floor. Next place a Brazier and a Bench, and lastly, knock a few blocks out of the wall at ground level (not next to the water), and place the DOOR. If done correctly, you should now receive a notification that you have just created a CANTLIN GARDEN.
If not, you have made a mistake somewhere, as long as you have a medium sized tree, all the items I mentioned to place inside and the 8 blocks of water, then the problem will be your wall. Look at it again and make sure there isn't a hidden block missing at ground level or in the corner or something. Once you have created the CANTLIN GARDEN, the Challenge will be complete.
Here are 2 picture examples of a Cantlin Garden
This is how it should look (the floor space inside can be no bigger than 100 blocks):
This is how it shouldn't look (if you look in the bottom corners, there are 2 blocks missing from the wall, all walls need to be filled, including the corners and the base block):
Head through the red teleportal and head north to the northeast corner of the island. From here, you should see a small island in the distance to the north. Follow the shallow water to the island and talk to the Brownie NPC in the centre to learn how to make Gravestones. Now warp back to base.
Back at base, craft Gravestones x2 then head through the blue teleportal. Head southwest, and shortly after passing Clobberina's hideout, you will come to a small pit with a square graveyard at the bottom. Head down here and talk to the Hammerhood NPC, then remove the 2 misplaced stones, and place the 2 Gravestones in their place. Once done, talk to the NPC, then grab the SEED OF LIFE from the Chest, the Challenge is now complete.
Awarded for completing every challenge in the Rimuldar chapter.
There are 5 Challenges within the Chapter, only 1 is missable. Except for the missable, other Challenges can be completed at anytime or even after completing a Chapter by reloading an earlier save. Challenges will be permanently saved to your profile once completed, however, you must complete a Chapter in order for a Challenge to register as completed. It's advisable to collect all these at the end game or load a save to acquire them, apart for the Time Limit Challenge of course.
There is plenty of time to do this Chapter once you know it, however, I wouldn't advise trying first time without a guide as it will be tricky and frustrating. There are a few tips to apply to make this easier.
When looting plants for their materials, do not break every single one just in case you may need some more later, possibly acquired by a SHOVEL. And wherever you go, if you ever spot a new item, always try to grab/farm a few just in case you need it for something later.
The COLOSSAL COFFER is always the priority initially, you always want to craft this at the earliest possible opportunity. Another small tip about the COLOSSAL COFFER, when you do acquire it, you will likely have a lot of items already in chests. Rather than take the contents out and transfer them to your COFFER individually, just destroy the chest so all the items drop, then pick them up and they will go straight into your COFFER. Then just place the chest back.
Don't unnecessarily waste any items/materials, if you must use anything while not Quest related, always try to leave a few of that material or even more if you had a large number initially just to be safe.
When exploring buildings, you may find a lot of useful furniture, if you have the COLOSSAL COFFER collect as much furniture as possible as these can easily be used to increase your points in your base. Especially SCONCES as these are all over castles, they take up only 1 block of space and give 100pts.
Food/Hunger meter
A lot of the items you collect are often used later so it's difficult to know exactly what to use for food. I'd advise to always create a CRUDE KITCHEN as early as possible. This is because your Town residents will use it to craft food for you so you won't even have to craft much food because your residents will do it for you.
When you do have to craft food to fill your hunger meter, craft something that uses a material that is easy to come by, a material that you have a high number of. And only craft what you need at the time, don't craft a whole bunch of food just in case you need the materials for something else, and you may be acquiring some food soon anyway.
Your weapons won't degrade fast, but your axes/hammers will, so always have a few of your current type on you just in case.
Always save regularly, if you make a big mistake, you can then reload your previous save and try again. Make sure you save before you head to the beacon at the end of a Chapter, that way if you need to come back, you can do so right at the end of the Chapter with all that same gear.
Whenever you are away from base, the quickest way back is to warp using CHIMAERA WINGS so don't use these sparingly.
If you have a NPC with you, make sure they are with you and not stuck behind a rock or unable to reach you (you can jump gaps but they won't) before warping. If they are not with you, they will stay behind and you will have to make your way back to collect them.
Time Penalties
If you die or warp using the option in the menu, the game will advance a day, so try not to die. This may sound like a problem, but you can always spare a few deaths, just if you die to many times, a save reload may be the best option.
Sleeping also advances the day obviously, so never sleep unless you have to.
Pretty straight forward, you will likely acquire this without even planning to.
Always loot furniture on your travels once you have the Colossal Coffer, this furniture is free and can all be placed in your rooms for additional points. Sconces that you will find on walls in castle areas are very useful, they take up little space, give 100pts and sometimes you can acquire 50 of these from one castle.
Not all enemies can destroy your base, but during battles, just plan to keep all enemies away to be safe.
The most important instruction I can give is when your base advances a level, stop for a moment whatever your doing if possible. Now remove all your doors and once all are removed, place them all back. This may sound daft, but the game has a strange base leveling system, and this will cause you to acquire a lot of free points, you will see for yourself. You must apply this always in all Chapters whenever you advance a level, honestly, this is really important, will save a lot of time.
Everything must be placed in your base, otherwise you won't receive points for it.
Enter the blue teleportal and head west, keep checking your birds eye view and not longer after climbing the mountain in the distance, you will see a large roofed house, make your way down to this and inside. Gradually make your way up the stairs and out through the East doorway up top.
Climb the ladder outside here and grab the Roof Tiles from the red chest. Now head onto the roof and place the Roof Tiles in their correct places, it's pretty obvious what piece fits where. Once done, open the chest that has just opened to learn how to make Roof Tiles, and to complete the Challenge.
This can be real easy, or a real pain!
Head through the red teleportal then head north and once your out of the canyon, head east, you should soon come to a small patch of water inland that looks like a slime from the birds eye view. Set-up a fishing area next to this so enemies can't attack, and then begin fishing in this slime shaped pond.
Your goal is to keep fishing until you catch a King-Slime, there is a 2% chance to catch it so make sure you are alert with no distractions so that you don't fail any fishing attempts. Sometimes you need to be fast to reel the catch in before it escapes, and if you keep failing, you could potentially keep letting the King-Slime catch escape. According to the Official Guide, the King Slime has a 2% chance catch rate, although for me it has seemed worse than this.
Once you have caught the King-Slime, kill it, and grab the Crown Goowels it drops and that will be the Challenge complete.
From the base, head south across the poison water then head up the mountain in front, then up top, head to the west cliff edge. Now follow the west cliff edge southwards until you reach a square brick structure with furniture inside. Enter this and fill in the right side so that it is exactly the same as the left side. Use the CARPENTER'S WORKSTATION to craft what you need. Once completed, grab the WHITE BLOCK (don't lose this) from the chest, then warp back to base.
Head through the Blue Teleportal and head west keeping close to the north coastline while grabbing a PALM SEEDLING from a tree stump on the way if you don't have one. Eventually you will reach another square structure with a puzzle inside (not the large roofed building that you may pass on the way). Once you reach the puzzle, there will be 2 trees in the centre of different sizes, place the PALM SEEDLING in the free spot on the left, then grab the Blue Block (don't lose this) from the chest and then warp back to base.
Now enter the red teleportal and then head north until you reach the castle. From the castle, head to the mountain east of the castle and keep heading east and you will come to a ground level area with purple blocks and a structure in the centre. Make your way down and to this structure, you will find 2 chests with a monument and some brown blocks in the centre forming a square in the northeast corner of the room. Destroy the 4 blocks (Golemite Blocks) that go from the centre to the left (north), and place them back down on the right so the blocks are now going from the centre to the south and they will now be forming a square in the southeast corner of the room. You will know when the blocks are placed in the right place as you will get the blue glow like in blueprints. Once done, grab the Red Block (don't lose this) from the chests, then warp back to base.
Back at base, make sure you have the single WHITE, RED and BLUE BLOCKS on you and then travel through the GREEN TELEPORTAL. Now head to the south, and keep heading south until you find the last puzzle that you will eventually reach. Enter the puzzle area and place the WHITE BLOCK in the left hole beneath the monument, the BLUE BLOCK in the centre and the RED BLOCK in the right. Now open the chest up the ladder to learn how to make a CATHOLICON RING and then warp back to base, that's the Challenge completed.
Awarded for completing every challenge in the Kol & Galenholm chapter.
There are 5 Challenges within the Chapter, only 1 is missable. Except for the missable, other Challenges can be completed at anytime or even after completing a Chapter by reloading an earlier save. Challenges will be permanently saved to your profile once completed, however, you must complete a Chapter in order for a Challenge to register as completed. It's advisable to collect all these at the end game or load a save to acquire them, apart for the Time Limit Challenge of course.
This is plenty of time to complete this Chapter, even on your first time, always attempt this Challenge first. Then when you have finished the Chapter and completed the Chapter, load your recent save and complete the other Challenges. There are a few tips to apply to make this easier.
When looting plants for their materials, do not break every single one just in case you may need some more later, possibly acquired by a SHOVEL. And wherever you go, if you ever spot a new item, always try to grab/farm a few just in case you need it for something later.
The COLOSSAL COFFER is always the priority initially, you always want to craft this at the earliest possible opportunity. Another small tip about the COLOSSAL COFFER, when you do acquire it, you will likely have a lot of items already in chests. Rather than take the contents out and transfer them to your COFFER individually, just destroy the chest so all the items drop, then pick them up and they will go straight into your COFFER. Then just place the chest back.
Don't unnecessarily waste any items/materials, if you must use anything while not Quest related, always try to leave a few of that material or even more if you had a large number initially just to be safe.
When exploring buildings, you may find a lot of useful furniture, if you have the COLOSSAL COFFER collect as much furniture as possible as these can easily be used to increase your points in your base. Especially SCONCES as these are all over castles, they take up only 1 block of space and give 100pts.
Food/Hunger meter
A lot of the items you collect are often used later so it's difficult to know exactly what to use for food. I'd advise to always create a CRUDE KITCHEN as early as possible. This is because your Town residents will use it to craft food for you so you won't even have to craft much food because your residents will do it for you.
When you do have to craft food to fill your hunger meter, craft something that uses a material that is easy to come by, a material that you have a high number of. And only craft what you need at the time, don't craft a whole bunch of food just in case you need the materials for something else, and you may be acquiring some food soon anyway.
Your weapons won't degrade fast, but your axes/hammers will, so always have a few of your current type on you just in case.
Always save regularly, if you make a big mistake, you can then reload your previous save and try again. Make sure you save before you head to the beacon at the end of a Chapter, that way if you need to come back, you can do so right at the end of the Chapter with all that same gear.
Whenever you are away from base, the quickest way back is to warp using CHIMAERA WINGS so don't use these sparingly.
If you have a NPC with you, make sure they are with you and not stuck behind a rock or unable to reach you (you can jump gaps but they won't) before warping. If they are not with you, they will stay behind and you will have to make your way back to collect them.
Time Penalties
If you die or warp using the option in the menu, the game will advance a day, so try not to die. This may sound like a problem, but you can always spare a few deaths, just if you die to many times, a save reload may be the best option.
Sleeping also advances the day obviously, so never sleep unless you have to.
Pretty straight forward, you will likely acquire this without even planning to.
Always loot furniture on your travels once you have the Colossal Coffer, this furniture is free and can all be placed in your rooms for additional points. Sconces that you will find on walls in castle areas are very useful, they take up little space, give 100pts and sometimes you can acquire 50 of these from one castle.
Not all enemies can destroy your base, but during battles, just plan to keep all enemies away to be safe.
The most important instruction I can give is when your base advances a level, stop for a moment whatever your doing if possible. Now remove all your doors and once all are removed, place them all back. This may sound daft, but the game has a strange base leveling system, and this will cause you to acquire a lot of free points, you will see for yourself. You must apply this always in all Chapters whenever you advance a level, honestly, this is really important, will save a lot of time.
Everything must be placed in your base, otherwise you won't receive points for it.
You will find four large hostile Trolls or Gigantes, one on each island, you must kill all 4 four to complete this Challenge. Wait until the end of the Chapter to kill these so that you have the best possible equipment. You could even use Magic Cannons from a distance if you wish, or use the Bashmobile.
- The first Boss Troll can be found south of the base just past the gate.
- The second Boss Troll can be found through the blue teleportal in the southwest fort where Barbella was held. This is the Boss Troll that was behind the gate guarding the four red chests.
- A Gigantes can be found through the red teleportal, follow the mountain north of you, northwest and you will find this in the open area. If you have reached the forest area before the frozen lake then you have gone to far.
- The last Gigantes is found through the green teleportal. Head southeast over the mountains and you will find it in the centre of the igloos.
Head through the green teleportal and head southeast over the mountain. Once over the mountain with the igloo area ahead, turn around and look in the nearby area for any caves in the wall of the mountain you just dropped down. If you find any caves, enter them and look for a chest inside that has a random location. If you find the chest, grab the Spectacular Spa blueprint from it and head back to base.
If you didn't find the blueprint in these caves, head southwest across the igloo area and over to the mountain in the distance. Once near the mountain, keep an eye out for any caves in the cliff walls you pass. Enter any cave you come to and look out for the treasure chest with the Spectacular Spa blueprint. If you still haven't found the blueprint, look for some more caves in the area and you should find it then, it can spawn in a cave along the cliffs southwest of the igloos, or the walls north of the igloos.
Once you have it, warp back to base and place it somewhere, then complete it as you should have all the ingredients/materials required by now as long as you left this till the end of the Chapter to complete. Everything is pretty straight forward to craft for this apart for the following:
- Tea service - In order to craft this, first you will need to craft a HEARTY CREAM CAKE (wheat, sugar cane, dracky butter, heartfruit) and a CROCKERY (clay, coal), all at the BRICK BARBECUE.
- Fierce fountain - Enter the blue teleportal and head north to the far north east near the shore, where you will find a building with a Troll beside it. Place a block in the hole that the Troll is peeping through, then talk to the girl to acquire the Fierce Fountain recipe.
- Hot water cyrstal - This is the orange water block that was in your base at the start of this Chapter.
- Cedar tree - For this you just need to plant a CEDAR SEEDLING in its place, which will eventually grow into the tree.
- Freezia & Medicinal shrubs - The actual plants are what's needed and they're acquired with a SHOVEL, these can be found through the red teleportal.
Once the Spectacular Spa blueprint is complete, this Challenge is complete, you just need to complete the Chapter to register it.
Craft 15 Blue Blocks that you acquired the recipe for in a Quest at the end of the Chapter and then head through the red teleportal, and walk north to the cliff wall near you, but don't climb it. Now follow this cliff wall left (west), keep following it and it will soon bend round to the north near where the Gigantes is or was. Keep following the cliff wall north and just before it reaches the forest area, you will come to a lit cave.
Enter the cave and place the Blue Blocks in the gaps in the centre that you acquire through the story. Once done, enter the door where the Evil Idol was and carry on through the tunnels. Use the blue flooring as guidance for the correct tunnels to take. Once at the end, loot the Treasure Chest to learn how to craft a LYRE OF SLIME IMMEMORIAL, the Challenge is now complete.
Awarded for completing every challenge in the Tantegel chapter.
There are 5 Challenges within the Chapter, only 1 is missable. Except for the missable, other Challenges can be completed at anytime or even after completing a Chapter by reloading an earlier save. Challenges will be permanently saved to your profile once completed, however, you must complete a Chapter in order for a Challenge to register as completed. It's advisable to collect all these at the end game or load a save to acquire them, apart for the Time Limit Challenge of course.
This is plenty of time to complete this Chapter, even on your first time, always attempt this Challenge first. Then when you have finished the Chapter and completed the Chapter, load your recent save and complete the other Challenges. There are a few tips to apply to make this easier.
When looting plants for their materials, do not break every single one just in case you may need some more later, possibly acquired by a SHOVEL. And wherever you go, if you ever spot a new item, always try to grab/farm a few just in case you need it for something later.
The COLOSSAL COFFER is always the priority initially, you always want to craft this at the earliest possible opportunity. Another small tip about the COLOSSAL COFFER, when you do acquire it, you will likely have a lot of items already in chests. Rather than take the contents out and transfer them to your COFFER individually, just destroy the chest so all the items drop, then pick them up and they will go straight into your COFFER. Then just place the chest back.
Don't unnecessarily waste any items/materials, if you must use anything while not Quest related, always try to leave a few of that material or even more if you had a large number initially just to be safe.
When exploring buildings, you may find a lot of useful furniture, if you have the COLOSSAL COFFER collect as much furniture as possible as these can easily be used to increase your points in your base. Especially SCONCES as these are all over castles, they take up only 1 block of space and give 100pts.
Food/Hunger meter
A lot of the items you collect are often used later so it's difficult to know exactly what to use for food. I'd advise to always create a CRUDE KITCHEN as early as possible. This is because your Town residents will use it to craft food for you so you won't even have to craft much food because your residents will do it for you.
When you do have to craft food to fill your hunger meter, craft something that uses a material that is easy to come by, a material that you have a high number of. And only craft what you need at the time, don't craft a whole bunch of food just in case you need the materials for something else, and you may be acquiring some food soon anyway.
Your weapons won't degrade fast, but your axes/hammers will, so always have a few of your current type on you just in case.
Always save regularly, if you make a big mistake, you can then reload your previous save and try again. Make sure you save before you head to the beacon at the end of a Chapter, that way if you need to come back, you can do so right at the end of the Chapter with all that same gear.
Whenever you are away from base, the quickest way back is to warp using CHIMAERA WINGS so don't use these sparingly.
If you have a NPC with you, make sure they are with you and not stuck behind a rock or unable to reach you (you can jump gaps but they won't) before warping. If they are not with you, they will stay behind and you will have to make your way back to collect them.
Time Penalties
If you die or warp using the option in the menu, the game will advance a day, so try not to die. This may sound like a problem, but you can always spare a few deaths, just if you die to many times, a save reload may be the best option.
Sleeping also advances the day obviously, so never sleep unless you have to.
Pretty straight forward, you will likely acquire this without even planning to.
Always loot furniture on your travels once you have the Colossal Coffer, this furniture is free and can all be placed in your rooms for additional points. Sconces that you will find on walls in castle areas are very useful, they take up little space, give 100pts and sometimes you can acquire 50 of these from one castle.
Not all enemies can destroy your base, but during battles, just plan to keep all enemies away to be safe.
The most important instruction I can give is when your base advances a level, stop for a moment whatever your doing if possible. Now remove all your doors and once all are removed, place them all back. This may sound daft, but the game has a strange base leveling system, and this will cause you to acquire a lot of free points, you will see for yourself. You must apply this always in all Chapters whenever you advance a level, honestly, this is really important, will save a lot of time.
Everything must be placed in your base, otherwise you won't receive points for it.
The Dragonlord will have 2 phases, human form and dragon form. The 1st human form doesn't affect this Challenge, you can wear what you want, it's the 2nd phase dragon form that matters.
Just before you completely drain the Bosses health in his 1st form (human phase), place ANY Auroral Armour and Hero Shield that you have in your Colossal Coffer. You can't have any in your equipment bag at all, whether they are equipped or not, they must be in your Coffer. You don't need to equip anything in their place as you won't be wearing anything for the next battle. YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS BEFORE YOU TAKE ALL HIS HEALTH AWAY. Make sure you keep the Sword Of Kings though.
Now defeat the 2nd phase Dragon form without the Auroral Armour or Hero Shield in your equipment bag at all and this Challenge will be complete.
First dig up Milkblossom x2 (the white flower that gives you white petals when chopped) up with your Shovel then Warp through the blue teleportal back to the original area. Now head south and you will see a large slime monument made out of blocks on top of the mountain in front. Climb the mountain and onto the slime monument to find a slime. Talk to the slime then give it a Milkblossom when asked, keep talking to the slime afterwards to acquire a Cloudy Memory.
Kill orange slimes until you obtain Daffodaisy Bud x2, then plant the Buds in grass and dig up the plants with your Shovel to obtain Daffodaisy x2. Now in in the 2nd island where your base is, head northwest from the base and keep an eye out for another slime monument on top of the mountain ahead. Climb up to the slime on top of this monument. Talk to it, give it a Daffodaisy then keep talking to obtain another Cloudy Memory.
Now kill some Drackies until you acquire Coralily Bud x2. Plant these Buds in grass and dig them up using the Shovel to acquire Coralily x2. Now head through the red teleportal and head northeast, look out for the third slime monument on top of the mountain you reach. Talk to the slime on top of the slime monument and give it a Coralily. Keep talking to acquire the last Clouded Memory.
Now pickup your Diviner's Altar and head to the Dragonlord's Island. Head south through the canyon and when you reach the area at the end, climb this mountain to find another slime monument ahead. Climb this monument to find a King Slime, talk to it and you will receive the memory for the Verdant Vision. Now place your Diviner's Altar and craft the Verdant Vision, then give it to king Slime. Talk to it afterwards to receive Gungerbread and complete the Challenge.
Warp through the blue teleportal back to the original area and head southeast onto the mountain in front. Once on top of the mountain, head east to the lit-up cave in the distance.
Once at the lit blocked doorway, smash the blocks to gain entry, then head down the stairs inside. Once at the bottom of the stairs, look at the right wall and you will see some crates stacked to the top. Smash these to reveal another area, then kill the Orange Skeleton in this part to acquire a KEY. Now check the southeast corner just near where you killed the Orange Skeleton and you will see a section of the wall has grey blocks.
Smash this to reveal a hidden area, then head along the path and kill the Orange Skeleton here for another KEY. Keep going and you will reach a Cell, open it with a KEY, then kill the Knight inside and loot the THANATO'S SHIELD from the CHEST, then retrace your steps back to the stairs.
(By the way, don't equip the equipment you find here as you can't un-equip it without destroying it.)
Back at the stairs, follow the BANNERS to the first RED DOOR. Unlock this and head through forward but before you follow the bend to the left, look at the corner on your right and you will see some cracked brown blocks. Smash these blocks to reveal another hidden area although you don't have a KEY right now. Ignore this hidden area for now and carry on the normal route where you will kill 2 more Orange Skeletons to acquire their KEYS. Now ignore the 2nd RED DOOR you just passed, and head back to that hidden area you just uncovered. Now unlock the Cell inside, defeat the Knight and the loot the CHEST for a WAILER'S MAIL.
Now head back and enter that 2nd locked RED DOOR you just passed. Just pass the 2nd RED DOOR, remove the mossy blocks then head down the stairs below. At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and head to the end where you will find another wall in the corner with gray blocks. Destroy the blocks then head into the hidden area, explore the area to find 2 Red Skeletons that you need to kill to acquire 2 more Keys. At the end here, you will find another Cell door. Unlock it, then defeat the Knight inside and loot the RING OF CRITICALITY from the CHEST, then head back to the well near the stairs.
This time take the other path and enter the 3rd RED DOOR, carry on to the end here to find a Knight next to a THRONE and CHEST. Kill the Knight, then loot the SWORD OF RUIN from the CHEST, Challenge completed!
Awarded for completing 10 blueprints.
Story related and cannot be missed.
Throughout the game, you will be given blueprints as Quests to complete or you may find some throughout the world via optional exploring/tasks. You will however be given more than 10 blueprints to complete through Quests so you can't miss this.
Awarded for using a crafting station 500 times.
This is awarded by using a crafting station, not by how many items you craft. Using a crafting station to craft 1 batch of CORDS for example which contains CORDS x10, will only count as 1 use, not 10. You will naturally use a crafting station more than enough to acquire this trophy, don't worry about this as it will pop naturally.
All uses are saved to your profile in the background straight away, no need to save. Uses will transfer between all saves since they are saved on your Profile.
If strangely enough, this hasn't popped by the time you have the rest of the trophies. Reload an end of Chapter save, head to your crafting stations, craft as much as possible. Then when you run out of items, exit without saving, load the save back up and repeat, shouldn't take long.
Just be sure you craft only 1 item at a time, crafting 1 or 20 items at once, only counts as one use, so always craft only one.
Awarded for defeating 2000 monsters.
You will defeat more than enough monsters along your journey, don't worry about this as it will pop naturally.
All monster kills are saved to your profile in the background straight away, no need to save. Kills will transfer between all saves since they are saved on your Profile.
If this hasn't popped for the time you have acquired the rest of the trophies, load your save from the end of Chapter 1. Then equip some armour that improves your movement speed and your strongest sword, then keep running around the starting area killing Blue Slimes/Drackies. You shouldn't have many kills left so this won't take long. Or do this on a save from the end of the Final Chapter. You can use the Sword of Kings here that doesn't degrade so you won't have to worry about weapon durability. Then equip armour that improves your movement speed and kill enemies around the base, preferably the Orange Slimes and the Red Hands as they're the weakest.
Awarded for smashing 3000 objects.
You will be smashing objects right from the start, everything counts, even blocks. Don't worry about this as it will pop naturally.
All smashes are saved to your profile in the background straight away, no need to save. Smashes will transfer between all saves since they are saved on your Profile.
If for any reason, you have the rest of the trophies and this still hasn't popped, load up an end of Chapter save. Then just head out of your base and start demolishing earth blocks with your spin attack, won't take long.
If you run out of materials to craft axes/hammers, rather than farm for materials, exit without saving then reload the save back and repeat.
Awarded for placing 3000 objects.
You will be placing objects right from the start, everything counts, even blocks. Don't worry about this as it will pop naturally.
All object placements are saved to your profile in the background straight away, no need to save. Object placements will transfer between all saves since they are saved on your Profile.
If for any reason this hasn't popped for you by the time you have acquired the rest of the trophies, reload an end of Chapter save. Now take all placeable items out of your chests like blocks, furniture etc, then place them all.
Once you run out, exit without saving, then reload the save and repeat until the trophy pops.
Awarded for obtaining eight different accessories.
Accessories are Rings, Footwear or something that has the [accessory] tag by its name in your inventory. You will easily acquire this throughout the course of the 4 Chapters. Like the other stats, just obtaining a accessory will register it as obtained in your profile stats instantly.
The easiest to acquire accessories are:
- Featherfall Footwear - can be found in the pyramid on Chapter 1. When you are inside the pyramid, keep an eye out for a different coloured wall in the corridor. Smash this wall and explore the hidden passage to find these in a chest up some ivy.
- Dragon Scale - acquired from killing one of the 3 Dragons, which is a Challenge.
- Catholicon Ring - you learn to craft this for a Challenge in Chapter 2 which you should complete anyway. Advisable to craft this for the Boss as it makes you immune to status ailments.
- Ring Of Clarity - You will acquire this for helping a Tearwolf in a castle. Talking to the Tearwolf is story related, however, helping him is not. After learning the recipe, craft a Defuddle Drop and then give 1 to the Tearwolf to obtain this Ring.
- Gold Ring - found in a chest on top of the Tearwolf's castle who you obtained the Ring Of Clarity from.
- Ring Of Criticality - once you have the Hela's Hammer, enter the red teleportal and head south, you will shortly come to a large Troll trying to smash some blocks. Smash the blocks for him then talk with him. Now give him some Pancakes (wheat, dracky butter, coal) to receive this Ring.
- Ring Of Awakening - When you fight your way through the fort to rescue Barbella, make sure you explore the area thoroughly and you will find this in a mimic chest left of the 2nd gate in the fort.
- Ruby Of Protection - When you fight your way through the fort area to rescue Barbella, you will see a large Troll behind a gate. Kill this and loot the 4 chest behind it to find this.
- Steel Sabbatons - found in the same place as the Ruby Of Protection.
- Strength Ring - the Princess will give you this, story related.
Awarded for learning 50 different room recipes.
Throughout the game, you will learn approx 35 room recipes, once you have learnt a room recipe, it will save to your profile straight away. From that point you can view that recipe in your menu at any time, whether you saved afterwards or not. To see how many more you require, just reload a Chapter save and check your room recipes on the menu.
There is a total of approx 81 room recipes within the game, here I will list about 30 that you wouldn't have acquired from following the story.
So you can simply just reload end Chapter saves and create these rooms. Here is the list of what items will register as a room category item:
- Light source - torch, bonfire, cookfire, all fancy light sources
- Fancy light sources - brick barbecue, sconce, lantern, brazier, naughty night light, candlestick, fireplace, stove
- Bed - straw mattress, all fancy beds
- Fancy bed - simple bed, king-sized bed, princess sized-bed
- Table - stone table, small table, big table, round table, dining table, extravagant table, bar counter
- Chair - wooden stool, stone stool, comfy stool, chic chair, throne, dragonlord's throne
- Decorative food - bread basket, crockery, fish dish, meat feast, salad plater, tea service
- Smithing station - forge, furnace
- Resident's sign - gentleman sign, lady sign
- Crop - butterbean sprout, heartfruit seed, holyhock seed, potato sprout, sugar, cane seedling, wheat seed
- Flower - freezia, milkblossom, coralily, daffodaisy, holyhock, tingleweed, bigonia, pongsetta, pot plant
- Plant - grass, fibrous fern, bogwort, sandwort, witchgrass, lemongrass, stalwort, frogstool, cotton plant, medicinal shrub
- Cactus - cactus trunk, cactus crown, prickly peach cactus
- Trees - (seedling also count as trees) plumberry, palm, cedar, cherry blossom
- Stone - small stones, pumice, big rock
- Evil item - huge horn, chains, vile tile, vile visage, draconic column, evil idol, dragonlord's throne, dragon bones
- Blighted item - broken barricade, broken brickwork, shadowgrass, infernal ivy, septic shrub, dilapidated crate, bones, tattered standard, frogstool, tainted tree, dead tree, twisted tree trunk, tattered tent
- Display stand - equipment display Stand, item display stand
- Memorial - wooden cross, gravestone, metal memorial
- Teleportal - blue teleportal, green teleportal, red teleportal
- Track - curved track, sloped track, straight track
I have listed the easiest 29 rooms to create that you will likely have the materials for. Once these rooms have been created, they will instantly be saved to your profile, no need to save your game, so if you have created a room, but have run out of materials for the next, simply exit and reload without saving and you will have all your materials back plus the room you just created will still be saved in your recipe menu.
Some of these rooms are suited better to different Chapters so I will try to list what is better for each Chapter, that way you can load the end save in a Chapter, create a few rooms, then load the end save of the next Chapter, create some more rooms and repeat. Keep checking your room recipe menu to see how many more you need to create. A lot of these, you can carry on from the previous room by just removing or adding something to create the next room.
Here is the list, and you don't have to create these inside your base, they will register as rooms no matter where they are created, you just won't receive any points outside of your base. You may have some of these already, but there is more than enough listed here to reach the trophy requirement.
CHAPTER 1 rooms
- Grotty guesthouse - straw mattress x4, inn sign, [light source]
- Inexpensive inn - straw mattress x6, inn sign, [light source]
- Grassy garden - bench, [plant] x5, [light source]
- Flower garden - bench, [flower] x5, [light source]
- Botanical garden - bench, [flower] x10, [plant] x5, [light source]
- Pot chamber - pot x5, chest, [light source]
- Doomed room - wrecking ball, [light source]
CHAPTER 2 rooms
- Grand guesthouse - [fancy bed] x4, inn sign, [light source]
- Expensive inn - [fancy bed] x6, inn sign, [light source]
- Cookfire cafe - cookfire, chest, [table] x2, [chair] x4, [decorative food]
- Indoor allotment - [crop] x10, chest, [light source]
- Graveyard - bench, [memorial] x3, [flower] x3, [light source]
CHAPTER 3 rooms
- Butch bedroom - [bed] x2, portrait of a lady, [light source]
- Rugged guesthouse - [bed] x4, inn sign, portrait of a lady, [light source]
- Muscle inn - [bed] x6, inn sign, portrait of a lady, [light source]
- Superior shaped room - [residents sign] x2, pot, [fancy bed] x2, [chair] x2, [fancy light source]
- Bodybuilder's boudoir - [resident's sign], [pot], [bed], portrait of a lady, dumb-bells, [light source]
- Strongmen's shared room - [resident's sign] x2, pot, [bed] x2, portrait of a lady, dumb-bells x2, [light source]
- Library - bench, bookcase x4, book x2, [table], [light source]
- Miner's studio - miner's refiner, chest, leather sack, shop sign, [fancy light source]
- Ironmonger's studio - miner's refiner, [smithing station], chest, leather Sack, shop sign, [fancy light source]
- Bodybuilder's bar - brick barbecue, chest, beer barrel, bar counter, [chair] x4, [decorative food]
- Fun and games room - bench, [track] x15, piston x2, pressure plate, [light source]
CHAPTER 4 rooms
- Treasure house - treasure chest x3, [light source]
- Illumination station - bench, torch x3, sconce x3, brazier x3
- Stonemason's studio - mason's workstation, chest, leather sack, shop sign, [fancy light source]
- Blacksmith's studio - mason's workstation, [smithing station], chest, leather sack, shop sign, [fancy light source]
- Marsh-room - marshrooms x3, frogstool x3, chest, [light source]
- Freak-out room - bench, [evil item] x5, [blighted room] x5, [light source]
Awarded for eating 20 different foodstuffs.
Foodstuffs are food that refills your hunger meter or grants additional benefits, medicine doesn't count. You will likely acquire this naturally throughout the course of the game, as long as you craft and eat all foodstuffs you learn recipes for.
Don't craft foodstuffs as soon as you acquire the recipe for it, otherwise you may use up materials that you need for a Quest. Rather, craft basic items throughout the Chapter or use items you find or are rewarded, then at the end of the Chapter, make a save just before you head to the exit beacon, then craft all foodstuffs you have not yet eaten and eat them. Foodstuffs consumed saves to your profiles stats instantly, no need to save afterwards.
Only certain foodstuffs can be crafted at a Cookfire, but all can be crafted at a Brick Barbecue. Most foodstuffs can be created on multiple Chapters, but here I will only mention once. If a recipe is not yet available, it's because you must collect all ingredients before it will appear. Here is the list of some foodstuffs should you need it and what is needed to craft them.
- Buttermilk - butterbean, coal
- Cream of Mushroom Soup - marshrooms, buttermilk, coal
- Shrooms-on-a-stick - marshrooms
- Beany bunny burger - bread, bunicorn steak, boiled butterbeans
- Bread - wheat, coal
- Bunicorn steak - meat, coal
- Bunny burger - bread, bunicorn steak
- Fruit salad - medicinal leaf, plumberry
- Boiled butterbeans - butterbeans
- Plumberry - eaten raw
- Baguette - wheat, coal
- Fried egg - monster egg
- Fresh fish feast - sardine, salmon, red snapper, tuna
- Fried frogstool - frogstool
- Fries - potato, orange oil, coal
- Porridge - wheat, pure water
- Sailor stew - red snapper, tuna, pure water, coal
- Sauteed salmon - salmon, bigonia leaf, orange oil
- Potato salad - Potato, medicinal leaf
- Sardine-on-a-stick - sardine, coal
- Super salad - potato, butterbeans, wheat, heartfruit, cooked crab claw, medicinal leaf
- Cooked crab claw - crab claw, coal
- Bouillabaisse - salmon, crab claw, wheat, heartfruit, pure water, coal
- Heartfruit - eaten raw
- Cactus steak - cactus cutlet, coal
- Searing steak - hareloin steak, chilli peppers, coal
- Coddled egg - monster egg, hot water
- Gungerbread - wheat, sugar cane
- Hearty cream cake - wheat, sugar cane, dracky butter, heartfruit
- Ice cream - snow, sugar cane, dracky butter
- Pancakes - wheat, dracky butter, coal
- Squid-on-a-stick - squid
- Fried frogstool - frogstool
- Fried frogmeat - frog
- Bony steak - meaty bone, chilli peppers, coal
- Hellbroth - marshroom, frogstool, frog, newt, coal
Awarded for defeating eight enemies with a single wrecking ball.
At the end of Chapter 1, make sure you have a Wrecking Ball and head out north slightly and find a flat part of land about 50 blocks from your base.
Now dig a hole 2 blocks deep, and 3 x 3 in shape, then climb out by breaking some blocks on the wall, then replace the wall blocks once your out, leaving the hole empty.
Now locate nearby Blue Slimes and touch them to get their attention and lure them into the hole. You need to lure 8 enemies into the hole, you will perhaps find about 6 Slimes, and the other 2 will likely have to be Drackies that you will find in a nearby forest area. Don't venture to far from the hole or the enemies trapped inside will despawn, you can get away with approx 100 blocks away.
Once you have 8 enemies trapped inside, place a Wrecking Ball inside by placing it below ground level. Hold
and place it so that it sticks to the side of the wall below inside the hole, then quickly move away.
If this didn't pop for any reason, exit and reload the last save you made and retry, it should work though as long as you don't place more than 8 enemies inside. I found if you placed to many enemies inside the hole, some would survive the blast somehow. Once you are finished, exit and reload your recent save to get the time spent and Wrecking Ball back should you wish.
How To Get Cantlin Garden Blueprint
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