
How To Color Animals In Ark With Commands

ARK admin commands: all ARK Survival Evolved cheats explained

Here are all the ARK admin commands you can use to modify the game

Looking for all the latest ARK: Survival Evolved admin commands and cheats? With a bit of cognition of the console and how to enable various cheats, you lot can do pretty much anything you want in ARK: Survival Evolved. God manner, space stats, spawning items and dinosaurs. You proper name it, and we'll teach you how to practise it below.

On this page:

  • How to enable ARK admin commands & cheats
  • ARK: Survival Evolved admin commands & cheats list
  • ARK IDs (Items, Creatures, Colors, Beacons)

How to enable ARK admin commands

The ARK admin commands and cheats in this guide must exist input into the game'south console to make use of them. You can open the ARK console past hitting TAB while in-game.

Most of the commands in this guide are classed past the game as "cheats", and tin can but be used by players with admin privileges. We've noted which commands are classed as cheats below.

To give yourself admin privileges, you need to blazon into the console "enablecheats" followed by the server admin password. For case:

enablecheats examplepassword69

But even with admin privileges, you'll need to preface every "cheat" command with the "admincheat" prefix. For example:

admincheat god

This is only required for multiplayer. For cheats in singleplayer ARK, simply input the desired command without the "admincheat" prefix, and it'll work.

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ARK: Survival Evolved admin commands & cheats

Now that you can work the ARK console, permit's piece of work some magic with the various ARK admin commands and cheats on offer.

Note: hover over each control to view the syntax info!

Command Office
enablecheats Enable server administrator commands for the current actor (merely needed for multiplayer).
ce Starts and stops weather of type specified.
gamecommand Runs a game-fashion specific control.
gfi Adds the specified detail or blueprint to the histrion's inventory.
playersonly Toggle on/off all animal move and crafting. Thespian movement unaffected.
printcolors Prints all Color IDs in the console for reference.
startnearesthorde Spawns an Orbital Supply Driblet or Element Node at the nearest location to yous.
listactivehordeevents Lists all agile Orbital Supply Drops and Element Nodes.
scriptcommand Runs a game-way specific control/script.
slomo Sets the game speed multiplier (default 1).
enablespectator Fix game mode to spectator.
requestspectator Requests spectator style on servers where there is a spectator password.
setshowallplayers Show/hibernate histrion names in spectator mode.
disablespectator Exits spectator mode.
stopspectating Leaves spectator style which was enabled with "enablespectator".
toggledamagenumbers Toggles on/off floating harm numbers.
hatchegg Sets incubating progress of target egg to 0%.
allowplayertojoinnocheck Adds specified player to the server whitelist.
banplayer Bans the specified player.
circulate Broadcast a message to all players on the server.
tribemessage Adds a message to the specified tribe's Tribelog.
disallowplayertojoinnocheck Removes specified player from the server whitelist.
doexit Shuts down the server.
getchat Returns the latest chat buffer.
getgamelog Print 100 entries at a time. Too outputs dated file in "\Logs".
gettribeidplayerlist Prints a list of every player of a specified tribe.
tribestructureaudit Prints types and counts of specified tribe'south structures.
tribedinoaudit Prints types and counts of specified tribe's dinos.
serverchat Sends a chat bulletin to all currently continued players.
serverchatto Sends a direct chat message to the specified player.
serverchattoplayer Sends a straight chat bulletin to the specified player.
saveworld Forces the server to save.
setglobalpause Pauses/Unpauses the game.
settimeofday Sets the time of day.
showmessageoftheday Displays the message of the day.
unbanplayer Unbans the specified player.
setcheatplayer Enable cheat commands that affect the electric current role player.
clearplayerinventory Clears inventory of the specified role player.
getallstate Prints all entities of the specified type to console.
giveexptotarget Gives specified corporeality of XP to target.
giveinfinitestatstotarget Gives infinite stats to target.
kickplayer Kicks the specified role player from the server.
kill Instantly kills the target structure or dino.
killaoe Instantly kills all targets of specified type within specified radius.
killplayer Kills the specified player.
renameplayer Renames the specified player.
renametribe Renames the specified tribe.
takealldino Changes ownership of all dinos from target tribe to player's tribe.
takeallstructure Changes ownership of all structures from target tribe to player'south tribe.
levelup Levels upwards target stat for your grapheme.
levelupaoe Levels upwards target stat for all targets within radius.
leveluptarget Levels up target stat for target.
teleport Moves player character forward in the direction they are facing.
teleportplayeridtome Teleports the specified player to the current role player.
teleportplayernametome Teleports the specified thespian to the electric current player.
teleporttoplayer Teleports current actor to the specified player.
teleporttoplayername Teleports current player to the specified player.
teleporttoactorlocation Teleports current actor to the specified target.
tp Teleport to the specified defined location.
tpcoords Teleports to the specified coordinates.
spi Teleports to the specified coordinates. Allows you lot to as well gear up yaw and pitch.
setplayerpos Teleports player to specified coordinates.
movetargetto Teleports target to specified coordinates.
teleporttoactivehorde Teleports player to the specified horde event.
destroyall Destroys all creatures of specified blazon.
destroyallenemies Destroys all non-player creatures.
destroymytarget Destroys target creature.
destroystructures Destroys all structures.
destroytribedinos Destroys all dinos owned past target tribe.
destroytribeid Destroys specified tribe.
destroytribeiddinos Destroys all dinos owned by specified tribe.
destroytribeidplayers Destroys all players in specified tribe.
destroytribeidstructures Destroys all structures in specified tribe.
destroytribeplayers Destroys all players in target tribe.
destroytribestructures Destroys all structures in target tribe.
destroytribestructureslessthan Destroys all structures in specified tribe that have less than the specified connections (snapped structures).
destroywilddinos Destroys all untamed dinos.
forceplayertojointargettribe Forces specified player to join target tribe.
forceplayertojointribe Forces specified player to bring together specified tribe.
forcejointribe Lets you join target tribe.
forcetribes Creates a new tribe and forces specified players to join it.
giveallstructure Gives current player ownership of target structure and all connected structures.
maketribeadmin Makes you admin of your current tribe.
maketribefounder Makes you founder of your electric current tribe.
removetribeadmin Removes your admin status for current tribe.
taketribe Gives y'all all of the specified tribe's dinos and structures.
givecreativemode Sets game mode to creative.
givecreativemodetotarget Sets game mode of target thespian to artistic.
givecreativemodetoplayer Sets game mode of specified player to creative.
addexperience Adds specified amount of XP.
unlockengram Unlocks Tek Engram.
hideriders Toggle on/off rider invisibility.
changesize Changes histrion size (default 1).
cleartutorials Resets all tutorials.
enemyinvisible Toggle on/off hostility. When enabled, all creatures will ignore you.
execsetsleeping Puts current player to sleep or wakes them upwardly.
fly Activates fly mode.
ghost Activates ghost mode, allowing you to laissez passer through objects/terrain.
givecolors Gives the specified quantity of each dye.
giveengrams Unlocks all crafting recipes for histrion.
giveengramstekonly Gives all tek engrams to player.
givetekengramsto Gives all tek engrams to specified actor.
giveexptoplayer Gives specified actor the specified amount of XP.
giveitem Adds the specified item to the player's inventory.
giveitemnum Adds the specified item to the actor'south inventory.
giveitemtoplayer Adds the specified detail to the specified histrion's inventory.
giveitemnumtoplayer Adds the specified item to the specified player's inventory.
giveresources Adds fifty of each resource to role player's inventory.
giveslotitem Adds specified item to specified particular slot.
giveslotitemnum Adds specified item to specified item slot.
givetome Changes ownership of target dino or structure to current thespian.
gmbuff Executes the "god", "infinitestats", and "enemyinvisible" commands, and provides XP.
envqa Executes the "gmbuff", "givearmorset tek 0", "stat fps", and "stat unit of measurement" commands.
god Toggles invulnerability.
hidetutorial Hides specified tutorial.
hurtme Deals specified corporeality of damage to thespian.
infinitestats Sets all stats to maximum until command is repeated.
leavemealone Executes the "god", "infinitestats", and "enemyinvisible" commands.
ontoggleingamemenu Enables/disables opening of in-game card when y'all hit ESC.
openmap Loads the specified map.
playercommand Gives the actor the specified ascension outcome.
setadminicon Shows/hides your admin icon.
setfacialhairpercent Sets length of facial hair.
setfacialhairstyle Sets style of facial hair.
setheadhairpercent Sets length of head hair.
setheadhairstyle Sets style of head hair.
setgodmode Enables/disables god mode.
settargetplayerbodyval Sets index of specified body region.
settargetplayercolorval Sets colour of specified body region.
showingamemenu Displays the in-game bill of fare.
showtutorial Displays the specified tutorial.
suicide Impale yourself (won't piece of work with God way enabled).
toggleinfiniteammo Toggles on/off infinite ammo.
walk Deactivates wing way.
togglegun Disables/enables display of character's equipped item or hands.
refillstats Sets all stats to maximum (1-off, unlike infinitestats).
givearmorset Gives you a full armor gear up of the specified tier and quality.
giveweaponset Gives you lot a full weapon ready of the specified tier and quality.
giveitemset Gives you a full item set of the specified tier.
clearmybuffs Clears all currently active buffs from role player.
setmytargetsleeping Knocks out target dino or player.
maxascend Unlocks all ascensions for specified histrion.
defeatboss Unlocks specified dominate for specified role player.
defeatallbosses Unlocks all bosses for specified histrion.
giveallexplorernotes Unlocks all explorer notes for histrion.
giveexplorernote Unkocks specified explorer note for player.
addhexagons Adds specified number of hexagons.
destroyall Destroys all of a specified type of fauna.
destroyallenemies Destroys all non-thespian creatures.
dotame Tames the target animate being, if possible.
dumpdinostats Dumps the stats for the target dino into the console.
forcetame Tames the target dino.
forcetameaoe Tames all dinos within specified radius (default 2000).
raincritters Spawns mix of sheep and dodos above thespian.
raindinos Spawns mix of trikes and paranaurs above player.
raindanger Spawns mix of rexes and allos above player.
sdf Spawn creature of specified type with random level.
setbabyage Sets age of target baby dino.
setimprintquality Sets imprint quality of target dino.
setimprintedplayer Changes imprinted player of target dino to specified player.
transferimprints Transfers all dinos imprinted on sometime playerid to new playerid.
settargetdinocolor Sets the target dino to specified colors.
spawnactor Spawns the specified entity at a random level.
spawnactorspread Spawns the specified number of entities in the specified surface area.
spawndino Spawns the specified dino at the specified level.
summon Spawns the specified entity. Tin be used to spawn beacons.
summontamed Spawn a force-tamed creature of the specified type.
gmsummon Spawns beast of specified type and tames it (but all the same requires saddle).
givedinoset Spawns a set of dinos in specified tier, fully set up up with stats and saddles.
spawnsetupdino Spawns a dino fix to specifications.
forcepoop Forces target dino to poop.
clearcryosickness Removes cryo-sickness status from target.
dino reset Resets all glimmer cooldowns for target dino.
dino infiniteblink Don't use blink cooldown slots, just e'er allow blinking for target dino.
dinoset cooldowns Set number of blink cooldown slots for target dino.
dino donthideriderduringblink Prevents enforcer from touching passenger visibility during blink for target dino.
dinoset blink Sets the glimmer vfx (forrard) to the specified percentage for target dino.
dinoset blinkback Sets the blink vfx (forward) to the specified percent for target dino.
dino inflate Sets current inflation to maximum for target dino.
dinoset inflate Increases/decreases inflation of target dino by specified corporeality.
dino infinitegas Constantly refills aggrandizement for target dino. Keeps at maximum until command is repeated.
dino reset Resets Mek fuel to maximum and estrus level to naught for target dino.
dino infinitefuel Keeps fuel at 100% for target dino.
dinoset fuel Adds/subtracts specified corporeality of fuel for target dino.
dino noheat Keeps heat at 0% for target dino.
dino toggleupkeep Disables/enables Mek upkeep for target dino.
dinoset upkeepinterval Sets the Mek's upkeep interval in seconds for target dino.
dino replayintro Makes the MegaMek invisible, and so replays the intro issue VFX.
dinoset blink Sets the blink/intro result to specified level for target dino.
dinoset eattime Sets time in seconds between sitting down to assimilate for target dino.
dino destroyrightnode Dismembers right arm and destroys node for target dino.
dino destroyleftnode Dismembers left arm and destroys node for target dino.
dino destroycenternode Destroys center node for target dino.
copycoordstoclipboard Copies current coordinates and rotation to clipboard (x y z yaw pitch).
debugstructures Toggles debug info display when looking at structures.
stat Enables on-screen debug display.
showdebug Enables on-screen debug display.
setgraphicsquality Sets client graphics quality.
autocycle Provides unlimited health for specified duration for role player.
dorestartlevel Restart the map.
getplayeridforsteamid Returns playerid for player with specified steamid.
getsteamidforplayerid Returns steamid for histrion with specified playerid.
teleporttoactorlocation Teleports you to the location of the specified player.
addequipmentdurability Adds durability/water/energy to hotbar and equipped items.
dcmset Sets a holding on the Mean solar day Cycle Managing director.
debugallowvrmissionteleport Teleport to the final boss of Genesis: Role one.
destroyfoliage Destroys all foliage and motorcar-harvests all resource nodes in specified radius.
destroywilddinoclasses Destroys all wild dinos of the specified type.
dino titanmode Multiplies inflation x10.
findmutagendrops Panel displays locations of nearby Mutagen Bulbs.
forcegivebuff Forces a condition effect on your graphic symbol or dino mount.
forcemutagenspawn Forces a Mutagen Bulb to spawn nearby.
forceupdatedynamicconfig Forces an update of the dynamic config.
getegg Spawns fertilised egg from targeted dino.
infiniteweight Removes weight restrictions from actor inventory.
listmybuffs Lists all buff IDs in the console.
open Join specified server.
previewmode Changes appearance of game graphics.
r.shadowquality Sets quality of shadow appearance.
removeallworldbuffs Removes all map buffs (simply in Genesis: Part 2).
setday Sets the current day number.
setdifficultyvalue Sets the max level for wild dino spawns.
setstatontarget Sets the value of the specified stat.
spawnexactdino Spawns a dino with the specified characteristics. (Alert: can cause game to crash!)

ARK IDs (Items, Creatures, Colors, Beacons)

Several of the to a higher place commands crave specific IDs for things like items, creatures, colors, and supply crates/beacons. For full lists of all IDs, check the following links to the official ARK wiki:

  • ARK Item IDs
  • ARK Fauna IDs
  • ARK Colour IDs
  • ARK Buoy IDs


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